Perspectives by Allison Ostie

If you’ve spent your whole life living in a tiny village, that tiny village would be all you know. The voices and opinions of your fellow villagers will become your only train of thought. If the leader of the village tells you to think a certain way your whole life, you will be trained to think in such ways. If you have an opinion that differs from the villagers, they may shun you. They may question why you think that way and diminish any thought process that isn’t similar to theirs.

Throughout history there have been countless instances where people are brain washed to think certain ways. Whether it be a college, parents or social media- people are always pushing their opinions on others. Why?

The freedom we have to experience different thoughts is a beautiful thing. Life experiences create different thoughts and new perspective’s on things. It’s okay to have a view that isn’t the same as your neighbors or loved ones. It’s okay to form your own opinions on things.

As an artist, I love viewing perspectives of the world through others’ lens.

If you gathered ten photographers together in a room to photograph the same thing, you would have ten different perspectives of the subject. Ten different angles, editing styles, lighting, so on, and so forth.

Embracing diverse perspectives enriches our understanding of the world around us. Just as each photographer captures unique angles, each person brings their own unique perspective to the table.

To break free from a singular view of the world, we must be open to seeing and hearing out different opinions and engaging in meaningful conversations that will help us understand others perception of the world. Let us celebrate our differences and hear each other out, thus creating a more inclusive and accepting world.

“Inspiration Exists, But it Has to Find You Working”- Pablo Picasso by Allison Ostie

A friend of mine launched her own makeup company in 2020, right during the Covid-19 pandemic. She asked for professional shots of her new products. I of course couldn’t say no, but also understood this wouldn’t be an easy project. Where was I supposed to get access to a studio? I decided that wasn’t going to stop me. It was time to get creative.

The goal was to somehow plan out and create a “professional” photo studio… in my childhood bedroom. With a roll of white paper, a stool and some tape, I got to work.

This shoot now serves as a reminder to myself, that when there is a will, there is a way. The pandemic was hard for everyone. Letting your creativity and passion fade during such hard times was easy, but pushing myself to explore my boundaries and creativity was an exciting way to keep going.

Finding myself through my work is what inspires me.

With a roll of white paper, a stool and some tape. I found that the only person stopping you from making your best work is yourself.

Ambition as a Creative by Allison Ostie

It has taken years. Eight years.

Eight years for me to take my content and create it into something more than a silly little hobby. Eight years for me to see my worth as a photographer.

I’ve been told a majority of my life that I had to work hard to get things in life, which is true. However, “working hard” to me used to mean working overtime every week at my barista job or going above and beyond at my 9-5 day job. Eight years later and I’ve finally starting to realize that working hard doesn’t necessarily mean “dedicate your life to capitalism.” It can mean putting your time and effort into things you’re passionate about.

In the past i often viewed my work as a photographer “non-worthy”. I was always told there was no money to be made, the world of photography was too competitive and that I could never make it on my own. It’s taken a long time but I finally said F*** that! Eight years later and here I am, still here trying to pursue what I love to do and prove all those who knocked me down wrong.

I’m at a point in life where I finally could careless about the negative comments towards what I love to do. I am well aware that the industry is competitive but that doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t try. Getting through life as a creative will never be easy, but we, as creatives, need to be there to support one another through all of it. Something as simple as following your creative friends account where they post their work or liking their posts means so much. Supporting your creative friends doesn’t need to break your bank. A simple “I really love this photo!” or “Your drawings are beautiful!” can really go along way.

PC: @attilio_pv

New York City by Allison Ostie

The following was written when I first moved to New York City, 3 years ago:

Moving to a new city is never easy. It’s a right of passage to be at a low point in your life the first few months you’re living in a new city. New living space, new location, new job, new everything. I’ve been living in the big apple for eight months now and it has been one of the best things I have ever done for myself. Cities are always full of endless love and opportunities for those who want it.

Making friends as an adult in a city full if people in their own worlds isn’t easy. Luckily, i’ve met some amazing people within the past few months. I know some will be temporary friends and others are friends who will be by my side for the rest of our years on this big rock spiraling through space. Regardless, I appreciate every single person who has welcomed me here with open arms, excited to show me the places they’ve grown up in.

If you’ve been looking for a reason to move out of your hometown, this is it. The only person holding you back from doing what’s best for you is you. Life is short. Some would say it’s too short. Spend the limited time you have doing things you love with people you love. Do things for yourself. You get one life to make yourself happy and in the end of the day all you really have is you.


Self Love by Allison Ostie

Hey stranger, welcome back! It’s been a while since I last updated you. I took a bit of a break from creating when the corona virus hit. I spent a lot of time focusing on myself and doing things to better myself and my situation. The pandemic has caused me to think a lot about who I am and what I want from life, as i’m sure it did for you too. The two images to the left are self portraits I took last summer. I went out and bought myself a few roses (lets normalize buying ourselves flowers !!) then decided to take a few photos expressing the pull between self love and self hate. It’s a thin line really. Some days I don’t want to be perceived by others and some days I have the biggest god complex ever. I’m sure you get it. The journey of searching for self love is beyond important. Self love is something that only you can give to yourself. Once you discover that, you’ll never let anyone take advantage of you again… maybe. I encourage you to do one small thing for yourself every day. Whether it’s something big like taking yourself out on a date or small like buying yourself a single rose. Do things for you. In the end of the day, you’re all you’ve got.

Halloween ‘19 by Allison Ostie

“don’t get too close, it’s where my demons hide”

“don’t get too close, it’s where my demons hide”

Halloween is the one time a year society allows us to be anyone we want. You can express yourself however you want without feeling the judgement of society. That is, as long as you wear a costume of course, otherwise you’re just a party pooper.

This year I wanted to create something a little more meaningful. I created a series I call “don’t get too close”. In this series of photos, Cassie’s [model] inner demons are exposed for the world to see.

Sometimes Halloween is the one day of the year we aren’t dressing up.