Ambition as a Creative / by Allison Ostie

It has taken years. Eight years.

Eight years for me to take my content and create it into something more than a silly little hobby. Eight years for me to see my worth as a photographer.

I’ve been told a majority of my life that I had to work hard to get things in life, which is true. However, “working hard” to me used to mean working overtime every week at my barista job or going above and beyond at my 9-5 day job. Eight years later and I’ve finally starting to realize that working hard doesn’t necessarily mean “dedicate your life to capitalism.” It can mean putting your time and effort into things you’re passionate about.

In the past i often viewed my work as a photographer “non-worthy”. I was always told there was no money to be made, the world of photography was too competitive and that I could never make it on my own. It’s taken a long time but I finally said F*** that! Eight years later and here I am, still here trying to pursue what I love to do and prove all those who knocked me down wrong.

I’m at a point in life where I finally could careless about the negative comments towards what I love to do. I am well aware that the industry is competitive but that doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t try. Getting through life as a creative will never be easy, but we, as creatives, need to be there to support one another through all of it. Something as simple as following your creative friends account where they post their work or liking their posts means so much. Supporting your creative friends doesn’t need to break your bank. A simple “I really love this photo!” or “Your drawings are beautiful!” can really go along way.

PC: @attilio_pv